Earn points, unlock perks, and feel rewarded on your journey to wellness.

At Balance Wellness, we value your commitment to health and well-being. That’s why we’ve created a rewards program to thank you for choosing us. Earn points for every dollar you spend and enjoy exclusive discounts, free services, and more as you progress through our program.

Loyalty Program & Perks

Discover how our Loyalty Program rewards your commitment to health. Earn points, enjoy exclusive discounts, and unlock amazing benefits as you invest in your wellness journey.

  • The Wellness Rewards Program is our way of saying thank you! Earn points for every dollar you spend and enjoy rewards like discounts, free services, and more. It’s simple, rewarding, and designed to help you make the most of your wellness journey.

    • Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on all services.

    • Earn double points for Red Light, Sauna, and Meditation/Sound Bowl classes!

    • Enjoy discounts on select services as you accumulate more points

    • Redeem points for discounts, free sessions, and more!

  • Points can be redeemed by you at any time!

    • 500 Points

      1. $25 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free Guided Meditation or Sound Bath class

      1,000 Points

      1. $50 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free 30-minute Massage session

      1,500 Points

      1. $75 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 2 free Red Light sessions

      2,000 Points

      1. $100 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free 50-minute Massage session

      2,500 Points

      1. $125 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free package of 5 Sauna sessions

      3,000 Points

      1. $150 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free 80-minute Massage session

      3,500 Points

      1. $175 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free 50-minute Massage session + 1 Ionic Foot Bath session

      4,000 Points

      1. $200 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free package of 10 Sauna sessions

      4,500 Points

      1. $225 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free 80-minute Massage session + 1 Sauna AND 1 Red Light session

      5,000 Points

      1. $250 credit toward any service or package!
        - OR -

      2. 1 free Detox Kit

    • Save more with discounts and exclusive perks

    • Earn rewards while prioritizing your wellness

    • Take full advantage of our high-value services and feel appreciated every step of the way

    • Q: How do I earn points?
      A: Points are earned on all payments for all services

    • Q: Can I transfer my points to someone else?
      A: Points can be transferred to any existing patient.

    • Q: How do I know my point balance?
      A: Ask us during your next visit, and we’ll provide an update on your current point balance.

    • Q: What if I have questions about my points?
      A: Contact us directly, and we’ll happily review your points, accumulation and/or spending history with you.